Friday, October 31, 2008

Theories of Biomechanical Evolution

Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Scientist and Physicist, offers the world a glimpse of tomorrow in each of his discussions of big bang theories, dimensional physics and society growth. What we take away from his many lectures are not answers to impossible questions, but simple questions with endless possible answers and even more pertinent questions of existence. In an episode that aired on the Discovery Channel discussing the history of the cosmos and societal evolution, Dr. Kaku discussed the four phases of society. Phase 0, which we are by Dr. Kaku's standards, being the societies ability to manage the local resources, Phase 1 being societal control over global resources, Phase 2 being interplanetary management - dominance over an entire solar system, with Phase 3 of a society having dominance over one or more galaxies.

This leads me in my belief that as we as a society evolve, striving evermore towards the turning point of the proverbial self destruction or unified utopia, there will come a point in which we will integrate more with our own created systems than systems based solely on nonrenewable resources. What this means is a more fluid integration of mechanics and engineered peripherals incorporated into the actual biological make up of the human body. Posing the question: When is it an ethical after thought to play with the aspects of our biology that makes us irrefutably human?